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Hidden Treasures of Romantic Music

Fundraising concert with Carina Kaltenbachand Tomas Spurny


Denzlingen (hg) As part of the series of special fundraising concerts for the restoration of the organ in St George's Church in Denzlingen, the German-Bohemian chamber music duo "duo connessione" (Carina Kaltenbach-Schonhardt (violin) and Tomas Spurny (piano) gave a wonderful concert last Saturday with "Hidden Treasures of Romantic Music", namely two sonatas by the German Romantic composer Carl Gottlieb Reissiger.


            That evening, the grand piano in the pleasantly renovated hall of the Karl-Höfflin-Gemeindehaus was Tomas Spurny's domain, and he was able to demonstrate his masterly skills on this instrument in both sonatas. No less so, of course, his partner on the violin, Carina Kaltenbach-Schonhardt, who particularly shone in the virtuosic violin part of the fourth sonata. After a shortbreak mid-concert, the "duo connessione" performed the third and fourth violin sonatas by Carl Gottlieb Reissiger (1798 -1859). Reissiger is " a romantic composer who has unjustly been almost forgotten, acontemporary of Mendelssohn and Schumann", the two performers emphasised, underlining this judgement of quality very convincingly with their brilliant performances.

            The audience gave a long round of applause when the last bar of the "Grande Sonatepour Piano et Violon" (op. 178 in E minor) had faded away. Kathrin Osteneck thanked the two artists for the fundraising concert on behalf of the Protestant parish. ...


" From door to door", 5 May 2022 - issue18, page 6, Helmut Gall

Sudeten German Day, Hof, 5 June 2022,from Facebook:


... At the end of the " Sudetendeutsche Tag" in Hof, the ensemble "duo connessione" presented Bohemian and German music from the Baroque and pre-classical periods in St Mary's Church. Carina Kaltenbach-Schonhardt and Thomas Spurny performed at the highest level and with infectious enthusiasm and warmth of heart, filling St Mary's Church with luminous sounds of fascinating musical brilliance.

The attentive audience thanked the two musicians with lengthy applause. Music director Dr Ludger Stühlmeyer presented them with a selection of his own books and compositions as a token of thanks, thereby strengthening mutual exchange. A very worthy conclusion to this 72nd "Sudetendeutsche Tag" in Hof.


Bernhard Kuhn, Facebook

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